Made in the USA Since 1895.
Designing steel stairs for installation in masonry, concrete, and drywall stairwells requires acute attention to details. The proper selection of fabrication materials, state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, and welding in a controlled environment are just the beginning of our process to produce a high quality product.
Our depth of experience, dedicated customer service, and comprehensive technical support are cornerstones of every Sharon Stairs Drop-In™ Stair system.
Meet special design and construction requirements.
Technically advanced products made to handle required live and dead load requirements.
Install quickly and accurately.
Surpass building codes and meet ADA accessibility requirements.
Utilize factory standard railing styles and pre-engineered structural members for stringers, landing frames, connections, etc.
Our craftsmanship makes the difference!
Learn about Tread Designs, Rail Options, and Code Compliance →